Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I LOVE helping people to be their best.

I just have to share my other blog here because the things I write about there are different.  I posted a few things lately that I'm passionate about or just have fun with, so if you want to share in those things with me too, go to and click on the blog.

Today I had three wonderful people in my house whose first language is Spanish.  They all have either been in embarrassing or devastating situations because of their accents.  We had so much fun laughing and learning how to use the Standard American English (SAE) accent.  It isn't until you become familiar with some of the differences between SAE and other accents that you realize... we make some awful sounds!  For instance, no other language has to bleat like a lamb or make the sound of an annoying baby crying, aaaaaaa.  It's harsh sounding, not romantic like Spanish or French, or even British English.  I love that I can hear those sounds and describe how to make them.  I will be posting the progress of my little group on the other web site so take a peek once in a while.  It should be fun :)