Friday, September 17, 2010

Who would have kids all turned out smarter than me!

I got a call from one of my kids today. He and his wife have been following Dave Ramsey. He has a 13 week course called the "Financial Peace University". They are following it and have become an inspiration to our whole family. They are so smart to start using wise financial counsel while they are still just beginning their lives together. My husband and I certainly didn't "get it" when we were a young couple. As we visited they asked if I had seen their blogs. I confessed that I didn't know how to find them. My son then proceeded to walk me through the steps of creating a blog just so I could use it as a place where I could find their blogs. As he guided me, and his wife shared their enthusiasm for their new "project", I couldn't help but have this overwhelming feeling of gratitude for who they are and that they are part of my life. It's amazing how time flies by so fast. It seems only yesterday this boy, my youngest child, was an adorable toddler amazing us with his budding leadership abilities, unique sense of humor, and mesmerizing personality. Now, I sit back and marvel at the fact that he and his wife are such good examples to us all. I find my gratitude overflowing for the person he has turned into and the wonderful woman he chose to spend forever with. She is now "my" daughter and I count her as a special gift. When I recognize these things, I feel like I'm in heaven.

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